Akwa-Ibom State GSM Phone Numbers

Our Akwa-Ibom State GSM Phone Numbers Database are updated regularly and we go any length to provide our client with the most certified, complete and reliable Akwa-Ibom state GSM numbers database/GSM mobile phone numbers. These Akwa-Ibom state GSM numbers are networks certified and includes GSM mobile numbers from all major GSM networks providers (MTN, Glo, Airtel & Etisalat) in Nigeria.
Akwa Ibom state (Land of Promise) is one of Nigeria’s 36 states with a population of over 5 million people. Akwa Ibom State is currently the highest oil and gas producing state in the country. The state’s capital is Uyo with over 500,000 inhabitants.

Our regularly updated Akwa-Ibom state GSM Phone Numbers Database currently comprises of over 1.8 Million + GSM mobile phone numbers for you to pass your message across.  There are a lot of things you could do with this Akwa-Ibom state GSM numbers.  Serious business minded individuals and every establishment needs to get involved in the ongoing GSM phone revolution in the country in order to get across to the larger percentage of Akwa state population because even a secondary school student now own/uses GSM, so you can just imagine how far and direct you could go with your product/service advertisement, campaign or general awareness.  You can reach people much more faster and cheaper through bulk SMS than via TV, RADIO, NEWSPAPER and INTERNET put together.  This has been well researched and tested working perfectly for which ever way you would want to use it. 
PACKAGE CONTAIN: Full Akwa-Ibom State GSM Phone Numbers Database
QUANTITY:  1.8 Million +
FORMAT:   MS Excel or txt
MEDIUM OF DELIVERY:  Email within 6hrs
        : CD/DVD mailed to you within 24hrs in Lagos or 72hrs outside Lagos
PRICE: Before N120k,   Now N70k

If your budget is not enough to buy this bundle, you may want to check out our Pay As You Can price HERE. Should you have any question, please visit our FAQ page to find answers.